Islamic economic system is believed to be an alternative to reduce the weaknesses that exist in the conventional banking system. Because the Islamic economic system has strong power of resistance against the global financial crisis.
"Being able to distance themselves from riba (interest), and can avoid something that is not transparent and well protected from a variety of speculation,"
Islamic economics may be the key to overcome the financial crisis that hit many parts of the world countries.
On the other hand, the principle of doing business is likely speculative gain maximum profit by relying on a variety of ways to be quits.
"Small capital and earn maximum profit in many ways we sudahi only. The principle should be modified. We need to create sustainable economic alliance for human life, "
Thus, with the Islamic economic system that has been there and is growing in Indonesia is expected to meubah these principles in the future.
"Indonesia is one of the largest Muslim-majority country in the world. In particular there are also areas of West Java, approximately 44.2 million people, the majority of Muslim too much. It is expected to help drive the development of Islamic finance, "
Let's turn to Islamic economics ......... :) :) :)
Baca-baca terkait ekonomi syariah, jadi inget tentang perdebatan hukum halal haram forex trading. Lucu komentar yang biasanya muncul. Banyak yang menyatakan haram ternyata muncul dari mereka yang sudah lama dan loss terus. Padahal menurut saya kalau haram pasti ada fatwa yang mengikat. Makanya saya tetap menjalani bisnis ini wong ternyata menghasilkan. Keuntungan benar-benar ada dan dibayar. Silahkan tes di OctaFx.